A number of our patients have some form of diabetes and diabetes education is very important. If you think that you might have diabetes we can help! We provide in-depth education for self-management and we also can help with diabetic supplies.
The American Association of Diabetes Educators explains it very well.
Diabetes is a complex disease that requires daily self-management – making healthy food choices, staying physically active, monitoring your blood sugar and taking medications as prescribed. It is also important to talk regularly with your diabetes care team to problem solve, reduce risks for complications and cope with lifestyle changes.
Successful self-management will help you feel better and can reduce your chance of developing complications including heart disease, dental disease, eye disorders, kidney disease, nerve damage and lower leg amputation.
Diabetes is also a very personal disease. Upon being diagnosed, it’s not uncommon to feel a certain amount of fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear about how your lifestyle may change. Fear that you will experience life-threatening complications.
A key member of the diabetes management team, a diabetes educator will help you learn how to take care of yourself — guide you through your treatment and help you with any fears, issues and problems you encounter along the way.
For more online information go to American Association of Diabetes Educators – Patient Resources